Collaboration and decision making
From Dorms to cubicles: How recent graduates communicate.
To appear in Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICCS) 2015.
From Data to insight: Work practices of analysts in the enterprise.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 34(5), 42-50, 2014.
Group heterogeneity increases the risks of large group size: A longitudinal study of productivity in research groups.
Psychological Science, 24(6), 880-890, 2013.
What's in a move? Normal disruption and a design challenge.
ACM Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2011.
Research team integration: What it is and why it matters.
ACM Computer Supported Collaborative Work (CSCW), 2011.
Fitting an activity-centric system into an ecology of workplace tools.
ACM Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2010. Best Note Nominee
Pitfalls of information access with visualizations in remote collaborative analysis.
ACM Computer Supported Collaborative Work (CSCW), 2010.
Do visualizations improve synchronous remote collaboration?
ACM Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2008.
Fishing for sustainability: The effects of indirect and direct persuasion.
ACM Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) Extended Abstracts, 2008.
Technology policy
A review of methods to measure health-related productivity loss.
American Journal of Managed Care, 13(4): 211-217, 2007.
Freedom and information: Assessing publicly available data regarding U.S. transportation infrastructure security.
RAND Corporation, TR-360-DHS, 2007.
Can publicly available information be used in planning terrorist attacks?
RAND Corporation, RB-9278-DHS, 2007.
Investing in cyber security: The path to good practice.
Cutter IT Journal, 19(1): 11-18, 2006.
Measuring and Reporting the Performance of Disease Management Programs.
RAND Corporation, WR-400, 2006.
Revisiting US-VISIT: U.S. immigration processes, concerns, and consequences.
RAND Corporation, OP-140-RC, 2006.
Science and technology research and development capacity in Japan: Observations from leading U.S. researchers and scientists.
RAND Corporation, TR-211-MRI, 2004.
Human factors engineering
Horizontal force components can reduce finger joint torques during tapping on a computer keyswitch.
Human Factors, 48(1): 121-129, 2006.
Finger joint impedance during tapping on a computer keyswitch.
Journal of Biomechanics, 37(10): 1589-1596, 2004.
Effects of keyswitch design and finger posture on finger joint kinematics and dynamics during tapping on computer key-switches.
Journal of Clinical Biomechanics, 19(6), 600-608, 2004.